Social Justice Statement
CAMBA cannot accept the racial injustices and everyday discrimination that persists across our country – it is an unacceptable stain on our society. Systemic change must be our communities’ priority and CAMBA will continue to ensure that our work and programs address inequities that hurt African Americans and all people of color. We believe all New Yorkers and all Americans must be afforded with equal rights and opportunities to live a safe, peaceful life.
Through our collective heartbreak at the senseless and tragic killing of Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner and far too many others, we must renew and never let go of our commitment to equity. Since our founding in 1977, CAMBA has gone where our community needs us most. Today that means helping disadvantaged New Yorkers who are struggling with housing, education, health, employment, and legal matters. Our programs provide fundamental services necessary for individuals to live healthy, independent lives.
We are far too familiar with the discrimination and injustice that impacts our clients and often leads them to seek our help. The current pandemic, tumultuous economy, and continued incidents of racial injustice are adding many additional layers of burden on vulnerable populations in New York City. CAMBA is working tirelessly to ensure our community is not left behind.
We are here. We are here to show up for our friends and neighbors as we have done for more than four decades. We are here to take a stand against deplorable discrimination and injustice. We are here to say Black Lives Matter.